Okay, full disclosure up front... Lamont is my Man. With that out of the way his blog is dope as hell. The self-described walking encyclopedia of hip-hop is a constant reminder of why you fell in love with hip-hop in the first place. Dude writes about hip-hop with insight and intelligence that is unparalleled [can this brotha get a column in some mag?! Is this thing on?!? I need to read this brotha in long-form.] What passes for hip-hop journalism these days is embarrassing... let this serve as the beginning of the "We Want Lamont" campaign [yes we can!]
His posts are list-based [The Recession Playlist, Top 10 reasons hip-hop is dead, etc.] and each one is reasoned, researched and dead on point. Even when I don't completely agree with a point he makes I have to stop and think about my response because I can't come weak ["just 'cause" ain't gonna get it done.]
If you like your hip-hop served up with some thoughtfulness and humor this is the spot for you. Now, he is smart enough to only post when your feinin' so don't expect to get blessed every week... hey, quality takes time.
Lamont's Lists
2 months ago
Good Lookin' Bro.
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